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Theses from 2024
Not Enough Of Us, Christelle M. Alce
Predicting Financial Data with Macroeconomic Factors using Machine Learning, Sai Sravya Anem
Psychological and Psychosocial Effects of Contemplative Practices in the Athletic Population: A Systematic Review, Victoria Baker
Confronting the Conflation: The Use of Christian Nationalist Rhetoric at the Insurrection on January 6th, 2021, Sophia Barnes
A Uses and Gratifications Analysis of Traditional Radio Strategies to Engage Listeners, Lauren Beachy
Awakening to the Politics of Consumption: A Qualitative Study of Politicized Consumerism as Social Identity, Julia Belmiro
Circumstances, Annie Bloom
The Efficacy of Finetuning Large Language Models for Interpersonal Conflict Resolution, Matthew Boraske
The Effects of Early Developmental Co-Exposure to Alcohol and Nicotine via E-Cigarettes on Anxiety- and Motor-Related Behaviors in Mice, Carley Cirafesi
Things We Don't Talk About, Betsy Cornelius
Investing in Critical Consciousness and Civic Engagement in Underfunded Schools, Molly Dailey Andersson
Understanding Barriers to Participation in Digital and Hybrid Education: A Grounded Meta-Analysis of Higher Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Jarett Dello Buono
Reducing Out-of-School Suspension in Urban Districts: The Utilization of Alternative Interventions for Disruptive and Risky Behaviors, Jennifer Dixon and Jennifer Dixon
Screentime at Bedtime relates to Lower Performance on Self-Regulatory Tasks for Young Children Facing Economic Hardship, Krista Donahue
Investigating the Development of Alcohol Tolerance in the ESKAPE Pathogens, Hannah Durkee
Thought Control Mediates the Relation between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms in Undergraduates, Alex Elnashar
Navigating US Higher Education for First Year International College Students, jaron felder
Vital Status, Thomas Ginnona
Sure Imagination: Distinguishing Mnemotechnics from Spatial Mnemonics, Ian Goodrich
George Rochberg at Theodore Presser Company: How His Musical Aesthetic Shaped His Publishing Actions, Kyle Herman
Awakening to Activism: Exploring Disability Activism through the Voices of University Student Activists, Sophia Hirokawa
Accelerated Teacher Certification Programs: The “Modern” Movement for Deculturizing Brown and Black schools, Desiree Jackson
EmpowerED: Rebuilding the Black Teacher Pipeline in American Public Schools, Zoie Jones
Road salt intrusion drives changes in wetland plant communities in Great Marsh, Pennsylvania, Benjamin Langey
The Finnish Line: An International Teacher Exchange Program, Anthony Marano
Social Media Comments of Top Athletes: A Gender Analysis, Madigan McGrath
Eradicating the Standardized School Experience: Creating Joy and Fulfillment through Self Exploration, Co-creating Community, and Problematizing for a Better World, Jessica Morris-Horowitz
Identifying Youth Appeals in Alcohol Alternative Social Media Content Through Framing, Melina ONeal
Adding to the Canon in School String Orchestra Programs: A Workshop for Music Educators and Compendium of Six Female Composers, Emily Plourde
Neuroticism and Rumination as Mechanisms by which Adverse Childhood Experiences Increase Vulnerability to Depression in College Students, Christopher Popielarz
Discordium: Existentialism And The Metapsychology Of Reality, Schyler Richards
The Evolution of Stoicism: An Overview of Prominent Features and Discussions in Modern Stoicism, Christopher Sanchez
Examining Risk and Resilience Factors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in First Responder Subgroups, Leah Siwinski
New Hampshire, Liam Thomas
Saving Ourselves From Infection: A Theraputic Model of Peer Led Education, Jessica Tkacs Way
The effect of the Learning to BREATHE Mindfulness Program on Salivary Cortisol Stress Response, Diamond Williams
Disordered Eating Risk, Body Composition, and Self-Reported Musculoskeletal Injuries in Collegiate Female Athletes, Miranda Zito
Theses from 2023
Higher Spanier Groups, Johnny Aceti
The King and The Chariot, Krista Antenucci
Plurality and Epistemic Injustice: A Neo-Arendtian Reading of Miranda Fricker's Epistemic Injustice, David Casciola
College Students' Emotional Response to Social Distancing Measures During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Diary Study, Jaycie Clerico
Arendt and Christianity: On Love and the World, Logan Andrew Daly
True Crime in Short Stories: A New Era in the Fiction Genre, Diana M. Dopheide
Philadelphia Before I-95: Uncovering the Lost Wealth and Neighborhoods Destroyed by the Delaware Expressway, Don Edmonds
Books we should actually burn: why history textbooks are best left on the shelves, Troy Everly
Parent Anger Relates to Cortisol Elevations for Children Attending Head Start Preschool, Jamie Gensbauer
A Case for Critical Pedagogical Study for Developing Music Educators, Kelly Gumble
Delineating a Stream Network at Gale Crater, Mars, on ArcGIS Pro: A Geographic Information Systems Approach, Elpidio Guzman De La Cruz
Facing Eco-Anxiety in Education: Empowering Educators with Collective Action, Emotionality, and Transformative Pedagogical Practices, Tessa Jackson
The Effects of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Sarah Johnson
Critical Latino Studies: Combatting the (Mis)Education of Latino Students in U.S. Public Schools, Heidi Kern
Does Encouraging Use of Self-testing in an Introductory Psychology Course Increase Effective Study Behaviors?, James Koppenhofer
N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, And The American Imagination: Medieval Myth In 19th- And 20th- Century Children’s Literature, Alyssa Kowalick
Investigating how empathy and other receptive communication abilities are inter-related and their association to maladaptive personality outcomes and relationship outcomes, Julia Linden-Chirlian
Trauma Exposure Relates to Cortisol Levels for Children Attending Head Start Preschool, Alyssa Michniewicz
Rising With Joy: Re-Defining the Meaning of School Success, Eric Middleton
The Effects of Repeated Sub-Concussive Impacts on Reaction Time Across a Football Season, Theodore Mostellar
Tales by Hearthlight, Ronald Pizzini
Linguistically Diverse Writers and the Shaping of a Scholarly Ethos: Rhetorical Listening as a Strategy in Composition Pedagogy, Ashlynn T. Rader
The Effect of Continuity on Team Performance in the NFL, Tyler Sarge
Educating the Whole Child: Using a Holistic Education Approach and Mindfulness in the Classroom, JULIE STRITTMATTER
Transformative Social Emotional Learning: A Call to Heal the Effects of Racial Trauma on Identity and Self-Efficacy, Elizabeth Trostle
Thriller on Canvas, Devon West
Theses from 2022
Empowering Silenced Voices: Implementing Critical Pedagogy to Move Toward Decolonizing Music Education, Alexis Adams
Orgasm is Impossible without Go Rams: The Need for Comprehensive, Inclusive, Accessible, & Trauma-Informed Sexual Health Education Among College Students, Jai-La M. Aponte
The Goat: Rescoring a Buster Keaton Classic, Shannon Bradley
More than Just a Seat at the Table: Shared Governance for Graduate Student Mentorship, Katherine Canazzi
Cultivating Community Stewards: Wellbeing, Belonging, and the Campus Garden, Katherine Clay
Nauseated, Anguished and Ashamed: Where Did Sartre Go Wrong?, Douglas Contri
Evaluation of OASL and HERC5’s role in the non-lytic clearance of influenza A virus from club cells, Steve Crisafulli
Culture/Capital A Speculative Consideration of James Joyce's Ulysses, Audrey del Grosso
Queer Composition: A Guide to Knowing and Supporting LGBTQIA+ Students, Cara Fordenbacher
Grades Do Not Define You: Mindfulness-Based Intervention Effects on College Students' Self-Efficacy, Health, and Wellbeing, Jayla Godfrey
The Status of Women: Female Gender Associations in West Chester University’s School of Music Archive, Katharine Godfrey
The Office of Bereavement Support: An Intervention to Support Grieving Students, Gabriellia Hartz
Evaluation of Psychiatric Disorders in College Students at West Chester University: Underlying Genetics and the Effect of COVID-19, Madison James
Well, What Are You Going To Do With That?: Combating the Corporatized University Through Transformative, Holistic Career Education, Alexandra Karlesses
The Jacobiad: Extracts from a Queer Fantasy Novel, Donald "Ian" Kertis
Using Survival Analysis Techniques to Examine the Relationship Between Personality Facets and Employee Turnover, Devon Kinsey
Psalm Cycle, Andrew Lenko
Filling in the Gaps: The Hidden Supervision Curriculum, Gianna Machado
The Black Experience at a Predominately White Institution (PWI)., Jamir Mallory
Improving Perceptions of On-Campus Activism: Preparing Student Affairs Professionals to Support Student Activists, Kathryn Melvin
Analysis of Pelvic Alignment Patterns Utilizing the Postural Restoration Institution Approach, Marisa Mills
Sweat rate and Sweat Electrolyte Concentrations in Football Players During Exercise in Cool versus Warm Environmental Conditions: A Cross Over Study, Nicholas Mobile
Unique Lifting to a Functor, Mark Myers
The Effect of Ethanol on Cellular Movements and Development in C. elegans, Caitlin N. O'Connor
Investigating the development of alcohol tolerance by the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, Vaughn Perveiler
The Relationship between Mentoring and Leadership, Amanda Pickett
Emerging understory dominants in Eastern deciduous forests: quantifying photosynthetic induction and sunfleck responses, Sarah Polohovich
Utilizing the Arts as a Tool for Re-Humanization within a Neoliberal University: A Call to Student Affairs Practitioners, Catherine Purcell
"Don't Let Your Schooling Interfere with Your Education:" A Comprehensive Look at Co-Curricular Involvement and Advising, MaryClare Rae