Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chairperson

Daniel Forbes, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Matthew Pierlott, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Adebayo Oluwayomi, Ph.D.


This thesis project is an overview of the philosophy of Stoicism and its history, including research on prominent features and discussions in contemporary Stoicism. Stoicism today, known as “Modern Stoicism” or “contemporary Stoicism,” has undergone a recent revival in interest, leading to a new wave of academic and popular study. One purpose of this project is to investigate why and how this resurgence of Stoicism took place; I argue that one primary cause of the resurgence and manifestation of Modern Stoicism is a characteristic of accessibility in Stoic philosophy. This accessibility allows for an exponential growth of interaction with Stoic philosophy, in both the professional academic setting, and in the non-academic public setting. Justifications and implications of this stance are discussed, ultimately providing an outline of Modern Stoicism and prominent research within it today.
