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Theses from 2022
A GIS Analysis of Potential Wetland Mitigation Opportunities in the Brandywine Creek Watershed, Chester County, Pennsylvania, Shannon Ryan
Effect of Metal-containing Nanoparticles on Bacterial Biofilms and on the Microbiome of Girardia tigrina, Azar Saikali
The Sadie Alexander Project: A Professional Development Mandate for Student Affairs Professionals, Lauren Sealy
Development of Hemic Neoplasia in the Soft-Shell Clam (Mya arenaria) Along the East Coast of the United States, Nicole B. Seitz
Comparison of Landing Biomechanics Between Different Competitive Levels of Irish Dance, Jade Shields
The Provis Lotteries, Sara Skipp
Visual Arts Activities Relate to Cortisol and Observed Interest for Preschool Children, Suzanne Varnell
Maternal Drivers of Reproductive Output in the Lizard Family Scincidae: A Phylogenetic Comparative Approach, William Zang
Theses from 2021
Growth Mindset Scholars: A Growth Mindset Community Intervention for a First-Year Experience, Robert Anderson
Where are the New Detectives?: Unraveling Murder Mystery Conventions, Janet Zinser Arey
Inclusive Campus Recreation: Creating a Space Where All Belong, Emelia Bebee
Responding To Campus Bias And Hate: A Proactive Way To Protect Marginalized Students From Race-Based Trauma, Lezlie Blair
Money is Not Enough: Additional Support for Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds, Jordan Burick
Reciprocity, Ambiguity, and Conversion: Towards a New Ecofeminism, Elizabeth Cook
About Automorphisms of Some Finite Groups, Sarah Emery
POLARIS: Guiding Students on their Journey to Global Citizenship, Tanna Frank
The Effects of Repeated Sub-Concussive Impacts on Reaction Time Across Football Seasons, Kate Gaglias
Moustradamus, Jeremiah Glass
SOAR: A Holistic Approach to Supporting Survivors, Sabrina Glass
Learning While Black: Creating Access to Graduate School for Black Students, Hassan Gomes
Making Mindful Moments: Encouraging Self-Care Practices with Resident Assistants, Michael Herbison
Playing Pong Using Q-Learning, Akash Kumar
We Belong Together, Selene Lacayo
Exodus, Klaudellsh Larieux
Viewing the Whole Student: Creating Access by Incorporating a Holistic Review Method in Higher Education Admissions, Delaney Logan
Stranger Down the Hall, Annie Lowenthal
A Community of Friends: A Proposal for a Supportive Living Learning Community Centered on Body, Mind, and Soul, Stefan Martyniak
First to Finish: Supporting First-Generation Students of Color, Allena McCloud
Housing 365: A Response Rooted in Supporting Students During Academic Breaks, Abigail McCourt
“But everyone does it!”: A Look into the Psychosexual Outcomes of Pornography Use in College-aged Men and Women, Rose-Sienna Medina
Shared Tensions: High Modernist Poetry as the Precursor of Extreme Metal Artists’ Cultural Engagement and Critique, Jacob Mensinger
Institutional Continuity: The Impact of Crisis Preparedness and Technology on Marginalized Students, Heather Mitchell
Effects of Artificial Enrichment on Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Activity Budgets, Angela Perretti
Interrupting the Urgency of the Undecided Student: An Intentional Advising Approach, Nicole Phillips
The Black Feminist Scholar Collective: Empowering Black Women in Higher Education, Mariama Quist
Restructuring Enrollment Management Policies at HBCUs: The Next 184 Year Initiative, Kathleen Rzucidlo
A Process Conception of Nature: A Comparative Study of Hua-Yen Buddhism and Whiteheadian Thought, Kia Shahideh
Getting Ahead of the Game: Financial Fundamentals for Prospective College Students, Dia Taliaferro
Black Men Can: Change the Narrative of Black Male Students, Levi Tucker II
“Which of the people here would suspect that so much is going on in the mind of a teenage girl?”: Adolescent resilience in the Holocaust diaries of Anne Frank and Renia Spiegel, Jenna Marie Walmer
The Seen and the Known, Jeffrey Wasch
Enneasongs, Colton Whitted
Improving Campus Racial Climate: A Reimagining of Student Organizations, Elissa Wingfield
(Re)defining Writing Instruction: Implementing an Anti-racist Approach to Writing Instruction and Assessment in the Secondary English Classroom, Emily Wisniewski
Her Melanin: Creating Courageous Conversations for Combating Imposter Syndrome for Black Women in Higher Education, Nzingha Wright
Theses from 2020
Finding Truth in Memoir, John Abernethy
Microbial Energy Storage and Antimicrobial Effects of Metal Nanoparticles, Octavia Allen
Heart Closed until further Notice, Mohammad Amer
Providing Educational Hospitality for International Students: A Student Affairs Intervention for Higher Education, Christie Armstrong
The Duality of the Black Student Activist: A Decolonial Approach to Reframing Student Activism as Student Leadership, Kaileik Asbury
P.E.A.R Participation, Education, Action, and Resources: Combating Food Insecurity through Collaboration, Aileen Assumma
Fictive Kin Relationships and Advising: The Roles of Chosen Family as an Advisory Framework for Higher Education, Zachary Burden
Immediate Effects of Yoga on Mindfulness, Self-Criticism, Self-Compassion and Depressed Mood, Blaire Cain
Lady Bits, Christina Calvano
I Don’t Really Work Here: Part-Time Faculty and the Adjunctification of Higher Ed., Maggie Cawley
Conceptualizing the Unspeakable: A Conceptual Metaphor Theory Analysis of Sexual Assault Trauma in Creative Nonfiction, Ariana Ciamaricone
Realizing the Possibilities of Notetaking Software for Academic Support: An Intervention for Academic Coaches, Paul B. Cortopassi
Swansong: Selections from a Novel, Louis Daily
Skin, Maria DiPaolo
Acute Effects of Complex Training Using Three Different Intracomplex Rest Intervals on Power Output in Recreationally Trained College Students, Brianna M. Donnelly
Deschooling Deficit Perspectives: An Exploration of Culture and Place for Educators, Madison Dorschutz
Novel Mechanism for Turning Performance in Bluefin Tuna, Abigail Downs
Student Success and the Impact of Social Media: Integrating and Regulating Boundaries, Brianna Facemire
Aesthetics and Poetics of the Novel in Viet Thanh Nguyen's The Sympathizer and Adam Johnson's The Orphan Master's Son, Frederick Feldman
The Impact of Religious Connections for Victims of Sexual Assault, Erin Flynn
Preparing for Financial Success: An Online Curriculum for Graduating College Students, Amy Gallagher
Mitigating Risks of Miseducation within Labor-Focused High-Impact Practices, Andrew Garda
Rooting for Everybody Black: Exploring the Need for Mentorship for Black First-Generation Students at Predominantly White Institutions, Layshan Gilliard
Dietary Sodium Intake and Sweat Sodium Losses in Endurance Athletes, Christina Gotthold
Name, Image, and Likeness Rights as a Means to Student-Athlete Self-Authorship, Wesley Hamilton
Diversifying Representation in Film: An Examination of Racial and Ethnic Inclusivity in Black Panther and Crazy Rich Asians, Alexandria Hatchett
Out of the Froth of the Sea, Rebekah Henry
Phenomenological Twilight: Genders, Orientations, and Experiences, Angel Holmes
Supporting Students Through Loss: An Empathic Programmatic Intervention, Jack Horne
Awakening the Student Consciousness to Neoliberal Ideologies, Logan Houptley
The Denial of Innocence: Implicit Racial Biases and Judgments of Child Behavior based on Brief Observations, Pete D. Ippolito
Sovereign, Christian Johnson
More Than An Income: Learning Through Student Employment, Raina Johnson
Oh, Mr. Sandman, Connor Keane
Famished Landscape: A Novel in Verse, Ellie Kibbe
A Machine Learning System for Glaucoma Detection using Inexpensive Machine Learning, Jon Kilgannon
Perceived Pressure from Coaches, Teammates, and Parents Influences College Athletes' Intentions to Report Concussion Symptoms, Christian Klucsarits
Assessing Addiction Stigma: Effects of Early Exposure to Familial Drug Abuse and Childhood Trauma, Rebecca L. Laconi
The Importance of Interdisciplinary Education, Jennifer Liegeot
An Examination of Reward Probability as a Mediator of the Relationship between Trauma-Exposed Individuals and Cannabis and Alcohol Use, Daniel Loomis
Back to Our Roots: Revolutionizing Black Greek Letter Organizations to Dismantle Racism in Higher Education, Ashley Lyles
The Higher Education Experiences of International Students: Rethinking Orientation with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) Perspective, Matheeha Majeeth
Selling Students Short: How Market Driven School Reforms Undermine Student Learning and our Shared Democratic Ideals., Andrew Malkasian
Accessibility for Student with Disabilities, Amanda Martin
Math Curriculum and Teacher Autonomy: Why there can never be a one-size-fits all approach to teaching and learning, Brittany McElwee