Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Higher Education Policy and Student Affairs

Committee Chairperson

Orkideh Mohajeri, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jason Wozniak, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jacqueline S. Hodes, Ed.D.


This thesis addresses the importance of creating a space where undergraduate students have the ability to have productive dialogue about the influences of a neoliberal society. More specifically, I address the awakening of the student consciousness to neoliberal ideologies set in place by systemic societal frameworks. I arrive at my programmatic intervention by using Critical Action Research in order to work in small pockets of the university to cultivate real change. To bring these critical conversations to light, I propose the creation of a two-day workshop for undergraduate student leaders that would help students “undo their own veil,” as student affairs educators have a responsibility for helping students recognize these barriers in these processes. An effective leader of this intervention would be someone who has the ability to be flexible in their presentation of the topic and can successfully facilitate the dialogue by welcoming all voices and experiences as valid. From recognizing these barriers, students can then organize systems of counter-conduct that push back against these dominant forms of power.
