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Theses from 2018


Immigrants as Artists: How Immigrants to the United States Define Creativity and Describe Its Role in Their Lives, William Pierson


The Effects of Pedometers on Body Weight and Metabolic Factors in Patients with Prediabetes, James Pinola


Indicators of Intensity: A Composition via the Sonification of Cycling Data, Robert Richey


The Balance Ethic: Teetering on the Edges of a Moral Metaphysics, Gregory Sterner


Infant Crying Quantity in Relation to Baseline and Post-Cry Cortisol in Daycare, Erika Studley


Effect of Treadmill-Based Resistance on Landing Strategy and Force Attenuation in Female Collegiate Lacrosse Players, Joseph Sweeney


Understanding the Responses of College Women Facing Sexual Harassment in the Food Service Industry, Bonita Tyes


The Role of Coping Strategies in Mental Health among Women with Ovarian Cancer, Kaitlin Watkins


Effect of Attentional Focus and Cue Type on Lateral Reactive Strength Index, Jonathan Weinstein


A Comparison of the Physiological Effects of Drinking to Thirst versus Drinking to a Generic Schedule During 2 Hours of Exercise in Thermoneutral Conditions, Morgan Worley