Volume 1, Issue 1 (2018)
Editor's Note
John B. Craig, Ed.D.This inaugural edition of the Journal of Access, Retention and Inclusion in Higher Education (JARIHE), formerly the ACT 101 Journal is an important contribution to the field of education, in general, and developmental education, in particular. The work published herein represents research, best and promising practices which add to the overall student experience and leads to student success. Students who enter post-secondary institutions by way of special admissions programs and students who enter college having to take at least one developmental course are often stigmatized, marginalized and made to feel intellectually inferior. In some cases, faculty and staff have viewed such students from a deficit perspective rather than from a strengths-based perspective. This must change such that all faculty and staff view all students from a strengths-based perspective. All students must be supported and deserve to be taught by faculty who appreciate what each student's strengths are; and, when those strengths have been identified, faculty and staff must work to build upon those strengths. As educators committed to the success of students in developmental programs, we must continue to advocate, sometimes loudly for our students.
This issue of JARIHE contains work which reports on successful programs, learning support strategies and discusses the history of developmental education. These articles are meant to be useful for practitioners and faculty, policy makers/legislators and college/university administrators. The authors who contributed to this issue are also committed to student success and have presented very cogent pieces which are to be utilized in our work with students.
The Education Bridge: A Longitudinal Analysis of the ACT
101 Programs’ Effectiveness on Student Success
Chuck A. Baker Ed.D.
Sustainable Development Goal 4: When Access to Education is Not
Christina M. Chiarelli-Helminiak and Terrence O. Lewis
The History of Developmental Education
Marie Bunner Ed.D.
Success or Fraud? Exploring the Impacts of the Impostor
Phenomenon Among High Achieving Racial/Ethnic
Minority and First-Generation College Students
Nicole Pulliam and Carolina E. Gonzalez
A Comprehensive First Year Engagement Theory
Craig Smith Ed.D.
A Collaborative Model for Diagnosing First-Year Minority
College Students’ Academic Needs: Establishing a Plan
for Academic Success through Academic Coaching and
Tiffany E. Jones Ed.D. and Jocelyn A. Manigo Ed.D.
Mind The Gap: Decolonizing the Developmental Writing
Classroom Through a Theory of Cultural Rhetorics
K. Jamie Woodlief
Lessons Learned from Using the Effective Lifelong
Learning Inventory (ELLI) to Support Student Growth and
Suzanne Shaffer, Sukhdeep Gill, Robin Yaure, and Jackie Schwab Ph.D.
Creating Dynamic Practices: NJCU’s Programs for Student
Jessica Accurso-Salguero Ph.D., Guillermo de Veyga Ph.D., Sarah Vandermark Ph.D., and Cinthia Diaz
Mentoring McNair Scholars: A Qualitative Study of Faculty
Mentors’ Perceptions
Tremayne O. Waller, Elena Guzman, Hill Wolfe, and Sade Ayorinde

Francis Atuahene, Ph.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Chuck Baker, Ph.D.
Delaware County Community College
Marie Bunner, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Michael Burns, Ph.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth McCloud
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
Ilknur Sancak-Marusa
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Juanita Wooten, Ed.D
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Ann L. Colgan, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania