Volume 2, Issue 1 (2019)
Editor's Note
John B. Craig, Ed.D.Welcome to the second volume of the Journal of Access, Retention and Inclusion in Higher Education, (JARIHE). The overwhelmingly positive response we received from our inaugural edition of JARIHE was quite rewarding and affirming. Faculty, student success practitioners, legislators, educational consultants and others have lauded JARIHE for articles which are relevant, timely and pertinent to the work of helping students meet with success on our campuses. The National Organization for Student Success (NOSS) has officially endorsed JARIHE, which is extremely important and lends great credibility to this very important work.
This volume contributes to the field by providing research and best practice efforts being done for traditional-age students to non-traditional adult learners. The thematic focus of this volume is student success. At the heart of everything we do in higher education is this theme; however, sometimes this gets lost in the daily grind. To this end, we believe readers will find this volume exceptionally thought-provoking and informative. In a time when our institutions are seeking new and innovative approaches to ensure all students succeed, the contributors to this volume highlight approaches which have worked at their respective institutions. Granted, each institution is different; however, with adjustments, these approaches can be applied at other places. Those of us who work with students understand that helping them succeed in college can be challenging. Now, more than ever, students are faced with myriad challenges, distractions and other things which are competing for their time. To this end, we must be creative in connecting students to appropriate resources, differentiating our instruction in an out of the classroom and creating a campus environment which is conducive to optimal learning.
Readers will appreciate the breadth and depth of the work contained herein. Let us continue to inspire, motivate and encourage our students to be great. In the words of Jesse Owens, “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Our job is to help our students’ dream of attaining their post-secondary education a reality. Let’s do this with the most fervor, zeal and intentionality we have. Students deserve our best!
Upgrading to Credit-Bearing Courses: Redesigning Curriculum with Students First
Cassandra O'Sullivan Sachar, Melissa Cheese, and Ted Roggenbuck
Mastery Based Course Redesign of Remedial Mathematics and Success in College-
Level Mathematics Courses
Corinne Schaeffer, Douglas Puharic, and Melanie Baker
Creating a Supportive Learning Community for Adult Students from Admissions to
Lisa Calvano, Casey Bohrman, Marcie Ferrick, and Kenneth Jones
Special-Admit Students' Perceptions of Academic Success
Courtney Lloyd
A Review of the Inaugural Issue of The Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in
Higher Education
Calley Stevens Taylor and Jacqueline S. Hodes
Francis Atuahene, Ph.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Chuck Baker, Ph.D.
Delaware County Community College
Marie Bunner, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Michael Burns, Ph.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth McCloud
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
Ilknur Sancak-Marusa
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Calley Stevens Taylor, Ph.D
Cedar Crest College
Juanita Wooten, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Ann L. Colgan, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Terri Lamb
Learn TNT
Katherine Norris, Ed.D.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania