In the Fall 2014 semester the Mathematics faculty at Edinboro University instituted a mastery based course redesign of the remedial mathematics courses to address high failure rates in remedial and first college-level courses. This report will present the redesign model, changes made over time and results. The redesign objectives were to (a) increase student success at the remedial level, (b) increase student success in first college-level mathematics course, (c) remove course drift at the remedial level, and (d) decrease time spent at the remedial level. The redesign has been successful in meeting the objectives related to first college-level course and course drift. The success at the remedial level is mixed and further analysis is required to address the time spent at the remedial level.
Recommended Citation
Schaeffer, C., Puharic, D., & Baker, M. (2021). Mastery Based Course Redesign of Remedial Mathematics and Success in College- Level Mathematics Courses. Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in Higher Education, 2(1). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/jarihe/vol2/iss1/2