Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education Policy, Planning, and Administration

Committee Chairperson

Heather Schugar, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Merry Staulters, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Shawn Cruice, Ed.D.


This collective case study used a mixed methods approach to examine how Trauma-Informed Educational Practices (TIEP) manifest in the middle school classroom. This study is important due to the trauma students experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teacher participants had district training in trauma-informed practices prior to this study.

Teacher participants took an initial survey to capture their conceptualization and perceived usage of the TIEP in the classroom. Teachers then used TIEP in their classrooms for two weeks. Teachers kept a checklist of which of the TIEP they used each day and commented on the context for the use of the practices. There was also space for teachers to comment on how effective the practices were in their classroom. Finally, teachers participated in a voluntary interview which allowed the researcher to capture their individual choices and stories from using TIEP strategies.

Overall, the results from the surveys, checklist and interviews showed that teachers perceived the TIEP strategies as effective and that they used the strategies often in the classroom. Implementation of the strategies revealed that teachers perceived they had success with students when creating a safe space, making connection and showing interest in their students. Teachers concurred that the TIEP strategy of Creating a Safe and Supportive Classroom needs to be implemented at the very beginning of the school year. Teachers reported that many of concepts of the nine TIEP strategies can be interwoven and used together.
