Theses from 2024
Awakening to the Politics of Consumption: A Qualitative Study of Politicized Consumerism as Social Identity, Julia Belmiro
The Effects of Early Developmental Co-Exposure to Alcohol and Nicotine via E-Cigarettes on Anxiety- and Motor-Related Behaviors in Mice, Carley Cirafesi
Screentime at Bedtime relates to Lower Performance on Self-Regulatory Tasks for Young Children Facing Economic Hardship, Krista Donahue
Thought Control Mediates the Relation between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms in Undergraduates, Alex Elnashar
Awakening to Activism: Exploring Disability Activism through the Voices of University Student Activists, Sophia Hirokawa
Neuroticism and Rumination as Mechanisms by which Adverse Childhood Experiences Increase Vulnerability to Depression in College Students, Christopher Popielarz
Examining Risk and Resilience Factors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in First Responder Subgroups, Leah Siwinski
The effect of the Learning to BREATHE Mindfulness Program on Salivary Cortisol Stress Response, Diamond Williams
Theses from 2023
College Students' Emotional Response to Social Distancing Measures During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Diary Study, Jaycie Clerico
Parent Anger Relates to Cortisol Elevations for Children Attending Head Start Preschool, Jamie Gensbauer
Does Encouraging Use of Self-testing in an Introductory Psychology Course Increase Effective Study Behaviors?, James Koppenhofer
Investigating how empathy and other receptive communication abilities are inter-related and their association to maladaptive personality outcomes and relationship outcomes, Julia Linden-Chirlian
Trauma Exposure Relates to Cortisol Levels for Children Attending Head Start Preschool, Alyssa Michniewicz
Theses from 2022
Using Survival Analysis Techniques to Examine the Relationship Between Personality Facets and Employee Turnover, Devon Kinsey
Visual Arts Activities Relate to Cortisol and Observed Interest for Preschool Children, Suzanne Varnell
Theses from 2021
“But everyone does it!”: A Look into the Psychosexual Outcomes of Pornography Use in College-aged Men and Women, Rose-Sienna Medina
Effects of Artificial Enrichment on Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Activity Budgets, Angela Perretti
“Which of the people here would suspect that so much is going on in the mind of a teenage girl?”: Adolescent resilience in the Holocaust diaries of Anne Frank and Renia Spiegel, Jenna Marie Walmer
Theses from 2020
Immediate Effects of Yoga on Mindfulness, Self-Criticism, Self-Compassion and Depressed Mood, Blaire Cain
The Denial of Innocence: Implicit Racial Biases and Judgments of Child Behavior based on Brief Observations, Pete D. Ippolito
Assessing Addiction Stigma: Effects of Early Exposure to Familial Drug Abuse and Childhood Trauma, Rebecca L. Laconi
An Examination of Reward Probability as a Mediator of the Relationship between Trauma-Exposed Individuals and Cannabis and Alcohol Use, Daniel Loomis
Theses from 2019
The effects of participant-selected background music on executive function task performance, Jordan Barbone
Investigation of the Spillover and Compensatory Hypotheses Among Three Dyadic Family Subsystems: Mother-Father, Mother-Emerging Adult, and Father-Emerging Adult, Rachel Davenport
The Effects of Positive Reinforcement Training on Cortisol Concentration in Chimpanzees, Amanda Johnston
The Effects of Stress on Writing Ads Creatively, Kara Russell
Theses from 2018
Internalization of Mesomorphic Ideals and Objectification Theory in Collegiate Men, Elaine Bouselli
The Effects of Recreational Firearm Use at a Public Shooting Range, Joseph Capone
Positive Parenting Relates to Persistence for Young Children at Risk via Poverty and Racism, Michelle Cruz
Emotional Regulation and Resilience: Examining the Mediating Role of Rumination, Christopher Deet
Everything Is As It Should Be: The Relationship between Just World Beliefs and Life Satisfaction, Warren Harding
Nutrition in Neurocognition and Mental Health, Melanie Katrinak
Immigrants as Artists: How Immigrants to the United States Define Creativity and Describe Its Role in Their Lives, William Pierson
Infant Crying Quantity in Relation to Baseline and Post-Cry Cortisol in Daycare, Erika Studley
Understanding the Responses of College Women Facing Sexual Harassment in the Food Service Industry, Bonita Tyes
The Role of Coping Strategies in Mental Health among Women with Ovarian Cancer, Kaitlin Watkins