Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type

Thesis Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Higher Education Policy and Student Affairs

Committee Chairperson

David Backer, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jacqueline Hodes, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Dana Morrison, Ph.D.

Committee Member

John Elmore, Ph.D.


Student involvement and leadership at institutions of higher education today have become transactional for students; they are looking to get involves as a way of increasing human capital. The neoliberal university suggests that we are looking to mass produce students as products, taking as little care to their development as possible. The profession of student affairs goes directly against this notion and instead guides and supports individual students while creating environments where they are more likely to create change. The functional area of Student Leadership provides a platform for students to actively engage in the leadership process while working towards change on campus and in society. This thesis explores the role and influence the ideology of neoliberalism has on the system of higher education as well as student leadership development to demonstrate how Student Leadership Offices can serve as centers for counter-interpellation at colleges and universities.
