Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Athletic Training – Post Professional Concentration

Committee Chairperson

Sandra Fowkes Godek, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Katherine Morrison, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Nicole Cattano, Ph.D.


Context: Sweat rate and sweat electrolyte concentration are traditionally collected for one exercise bout. The purpose of this study determined whether sweat electrolyte concentration and sweat rate varies between two modes of exercise. Methods: Twenty subjects (10 male/ 10 female) completed 2 training sessions, one hour of biking and one hour of running in a thermal neutral environment. Sweat samples by absorbent patches were used and collected at the end of exercise or when the sweat patches became full. Results: No differences in sweat rate (Bike = 1.12L/hr ± 0.58, Run 1.12L/hr ± .55, r(38)=.80, p = 1.00) but a significant difference between sex (Bike males = 1.52 ± .49, Bike females = 0.72 ± .36, Run males = 1.57 ± .35, Run females = 0.67 ± .23, p = +, Cl-, K+). Conclusion: Total sweat electrolyte concentration and sweat rate does not change during running or biking.
