Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type

Dissertation Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)


Public Policy and Administration

Committee Chairperson

Kristen Crossney, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jeremy Phillips, Ph.D.


Students in foster care are disproportionately represented in special education classes and likely to have limited access to opportunities that support postsecondary education. Despite the prevalence of students who receive special education services within the foster care systems, little is known regarding the efficacy and equitability of extended foster care services to support postsecondary education among individuals with disabilities as indicated by special education history. The purpose of this research was to (a) identify whether significant relationships exist between extended foster care services and education level (b) examine whether service access disparities exist among program participants, and (c) identify promotive factors associated with postsecondary education among students with a history of foster care and special education involvement. Results suggest that extended foster care services are associated with education outcomes. However, there are equity concerns in regards to service access and education outcomes. Extended foster care provides a new opportunity to support students with disabilities in their educational pursuits.
