Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education Policy, Planning, and Administration

Committee Chairperson

Heather Schugar, Ph.D

Committee Member

Heather Waymouth, Ph.D

Committee Member

Briget Asempapa, Ph.D



This case study examines student and teacher perceptions toward and experiences with the iLit 45 Reading Intervention. It focuses on the perceptions of both the teacher and students’ interactions and experiences with iLit 45. The case study included five ninth-grade students and their teacher, all of them participating in the iLit 45 reading program for the 2023-2024 school year. Data sources for this study included observations, semi-structured interviews, and a review of the iLit 45 Reading program materials. The researcher coded the data collected from the observations and interviews using a combination of in vivo coding and constant comparative analysis, allowing them to analyze the data and find common themes from the responses of the participants. The themes identified through the coding process allowed the researcher to examine how teachers, students, and the publisher perceive that the iLit 45 reading intervention supports student literacy development. This study highlights the importance of using asset-based language for students as well as considering their perceptions when designing lessons. These two aspects are vital in student success as they assist in creating a supportive learning environment that promotes student success.
