Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)


Public Policy and Administration

Committee Chairperson

Kristen Crossney, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Francis Atuahene, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Angela Kline, Ph.D.


COVID-19 is caused by the novel SARS-COV-2 virus in 2020, took many lives, impacted, effected, and changed life for everyone around the world in one way or another. The rapid spread of this virus forced organizations around the world to make rather spontaneous decisions to abruptly pivot to an alternative way of working, to minimize exposure risk which transformed the traditional professional work environment to a remote option for many after the pandemic.

This qualitative research study used surveys and semi-structured follow-up interviews to explore benefits and challenges associated with post-pandemic remote work, leadership skills and behavior necessary to support remote employees who transitioned from a traditional onsite office work environment to an offsite virtual work environment, and how all these factors impact employees’ well-being and organizational success. This review also highlights leadership skills and behaviors identified to support employees in the transition and transformation from working in a traditional office space to a remote work environment to maintain balance between organizational productivity and success, and employee well-being. The findings conclude that while there are benefits and challenges to remote work, the benefits of working remotely outweigh the challenges, and that transformational leadership skills and support are vital for an easy and effective transition and experience to remote work post-pandemic. This study will add to the body of knowledge by providing benefits and challenges of remote work in the post-pandemic era, specifically for the period between 2021 and 2023, and the importance of support from transformational leaders.
