Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education Policy, Planning, and Administration

Committee Chairperson

Heather Schugar, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Matthew Kruger Ross, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Tammi Florio, Ed.D.


Teachers in K-12 public schools have found themselves immersed in educational technology amidst a global pandemic that has shifted the landscape of instructional delivery. This study targeted intermediate elementary (3-5) teachers’ acceptance of an LMS as a central hub for student learning. While there is a volume of research to support the efficacy of an LMS at the secondary level and in higher education, there is minimal research to show its value-added in supporting intermediate learners at the elementary level. This explanatory sequential mixed methods study inquired to capture teachers’ perceptions and use of an LMS to support student learning. Integrated qualitative and quantitative findings were analyzed according to a conceptual framework including: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework (TPACK), SAMR Model, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The results of this mixed methods study found that the role of the LMS in elementary classes focuses around content objective, assessment for learning, and student access to resources. Further, teachers’ perceived ease and use is supported by students’ ability to navigate and learn LMS-based skills. Lastly, teachers’ comfort level is a contributing factor in teachers’ perceptions and use of an LMS, though pandemic instruction improved teachers’ technological skill development. This study also includes practical implications of LMS integration at the elementary level.
