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Party identification has been a part of how we run our elections for more than 100 years and it has been a steady solid influence on who voters decide to elect in U.S presidential elections for just as long. My research specifically examines how party identification affected vote choice in the most recent presidential elections and how that relationship either changed or did not change in the last four presidential election cycles; with the recent polarization of the parties. I compared what party voters registered as in that election to who voters voted for in each election, with the Democratic candidate, the Republican candidate, and third-party candidates for the full picture. Using cross tabulations analysis, I tested the hypotheses that whichever party voters are registered for, the votes for the candidate in that party will increase. Which would help to show the polarization. My findings indicate that party identification has remained an influence that has not had any major change happen in connection with the vote choice for president, so the influence between party identification and vote choice in the most recent presidential elections stayed steady as compared to past elections, but with some interesting findings in regards to the partisan divide in certain elections.
Recommended Citation
Seravello, E. (2022). How Influential Were U.S Political Parties On Voters In The Most Recent Presidential Elections?. Retrieved from