WCU Museum Publications and Presentations
Ana Vizcarra Rankin, "Maps, Migration and Darkness" (West Chester University)
Document Type
Seminar Presentation
Publication Date
Philadelphia-based artist AV Rankin discusses her work in a public lecture at West Chester University. Titled, "Maps, Migration and Darkness: Rewilding our Visual Language as a Method of Decolonization," the talk challenges us to think about how we present and map out our surroundings. Co-sponsored by WCU's Anthropology Club, Museum of Anthropology & Archaeology, Institute on Race and Ethnic Studies, and the Department of Art + Design. This is held in conjunction with the WCU Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology's exhibition, "Beyond the Bell: Philadelphia's Global Heritage". For more information see www.wcupa.edu/museum and www.avrankin.com.
Recommended Citation
Di Giovine, M. A. (2022). Ana Vizcarra Rankin, "Maps, Migration and Darkness" (West Chester University). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/moaaa_facpub/4