Submissions from 2025
Identities for Whitehead products and infinite sums, Jeremy Brazas
Submissions from 2024
Impact of prenatal maternal depression on gestational length post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial, Elysia Poggi Davis, Catherine H. Demers, LillyBelle Deer, Robert Gallop, M. Camille Hoffman, Nancy Grote, and Benjamin L. Hankin
Submissions from 2023
Elements of Higher Homotopy Groups Undetectable by Polyhedral Approximation, John K. Aceti and Jeremy Brazas
Advancing Suicide Intervention Strategies for Teens (ASSIST): study protocol for a multisite randomised controlled trial, Molly Adrian, Elizabeth McCauley, Robert Gallop, Jack Stevens, David A. Jobes, Jennifer Crumlish, Barbara Stanley, Gregory K. Brown, Kelly L. Green, Jennifer L. Hughes, and Jeffrey A. Bridge
Free quasitopological groups, Jeremy Brazas and Sarah Emery
A natural pseudometric on homotopy groups of metric spaces, Jeremy Brazas and Paul Fabel
On maps with continuous path lifting, Jeremy Brazas and Atish Mitra
Postoperative Outcomes and Resource Utilization Following Open vs Endoscopic Far Lateral Lumbar Discectomy, John Connolly, Austin J. Borja, Svetlana Kvint, Gregory Glauser, Krista Strouz, Scott McClintock, Paul J. Marcotte, and Neil R. Malhotra
Multiple behaviors for turning performance of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis), Abigail M. Downs, Allison Kolpas, Barbara A. Block, and Frank E. Fish
Development and Evaluation of a Pragmatic Measure of Adherence to Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The DBT Adherence Checklist for Individual Therapy, Melanie S. Harned, Sara C. Schmidt, Kathryn E. Korslund, and Robert J. Gallop
Neurosurgeons Deliver Similar Quality Care Regardless of First Assistant Type: Resident Physician versus Nonphysician Surgical Assistant, Grace Y. Ng, Ryan S. Gallagher, Austin J. Borja, Rashad Jabarkheel, Jianbo Na, Scott D. McClintock, H. Isaac Chen, Dmitriy Petrov, Brian T. Jankowitz, and Neil R. Malhotra
The Impact of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage on Operative Outcomes after Single-Level Lumbar Fusion, Grace Y. Ng, Ritesh Karsalia, Ryan S. Gallagher, Austin J. Borja, Jianbo Na, Scott McClintock, and Neil R. Malhotra
Submissions from 2022
Impact of the 2016 American College of Surgeons Guideline Revision on Overlapping Lumbar Fusion Cases at a Large Academic Medical Center, Ali S. Farooqi, Austin J. Borja, Rashad Jabarkheel, Gregory Glauser, Krista Strouz, Scott McClintock, and Neil R. Malhotra
Submissions from 2021
Outcomes Following Discectomy for Far Lateral Disc Herniation Are Not Predicted by Obstructive Sleep Apnea, John Connolly, Austin J. Borja, Svetlana Kvint, Donald K. E. Detchou, Gregory Glauser, Krista Strouz, Scott D. McClintock, Paul J. Marcotte, and Neil R. Malhotra
Short-Term Impact of Bracing in Multi-Level Posterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion, Ryan Dimentberg, Saurabh Sinha, Gregory Glauser, Ian F. Caplan, James M. Schuster, Scott McClintock, Jang W. Yoon, Paul J. Marcotte, Zarina S. Ali, and Neil R. Malhotra
Tennis Anyone? Teaching Experimental Design by Designing and Executing a Tennis Ball Experiment, Laura Pyott
Personalized Depression Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Optimize Effects Through Risk-Informed Personalization, Jami F. Young, Jason D. Jones, Robert Gallop, Jessica S. Benas, Christie M. Schueler, Judy Garber, and Benjamin L. Hankin
Submissions from 2020
Ruggedized Color Measurement for Beer, Wort, and Malt, Roger Barth, Randall H. Reiger, and Yuki Kim
On generating functions in additive number theory, II: lower-order terms and applications to PDEs, J. Brandes, Scott T. Parsell, C. Poulias, G. Shakan, and R. C. Vaughn
The Utility of Cervical Spine Bracing As a Postoperative Adjunct to Multilevel Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery, Ian F. Caplan, Saurabh Sinha, Benjamin Osiemo, Scott McClintock, James M. Schuster, Harvey Smith, Gregory Glauser, Nikhil Sharma, Ali K. Ozturk, Zarina S. Ali, and Neil R. Malhotra
The Risk Assessment and Prediction Tool (RAPT) for Discharge Planning in a Posterior Lumbar Fusion Population, Gregory Glauser, Matthew Piazza, Benjamin Osiemo, Scott D. McClintock, Eric Winter, H. Isaac Chen, Zarina S. Ali, and Neil R. Malhotra
Infinite Sets of Solutions and Almost Solutions of the Equation N∙M = reversal(N∙M) II, Viorel Nitica and Cem Ekinci
Submissions from 2019
A Randomized Controlled Trial: Attachment-Based Family and Nondirective Supportive Treatments for Youth Who Are Suicidal, Guy S. Diamond, Roger R. Kobak, E. Stephanie Krauthamer Ewing, Suzanne A. Levy, Joanna L. Herres, Jody M. Russon, and Robert J. Gallop
A Generalization of Schroter's Formula To George Andrews, on his 80th Birthday, James McLaughlin
Submissions from 2017
Relationships Between Mathematics Teacher Preparation and Graduates' Analyses of Classroom Teaching, James Hiebert, Emily Miller, and Dawn Berk
Applications of the Heine and Bauer-Muir transformations to Rogers-Ramanujan type continued fractions, Jongsil Lee, James McLaughlin, and Jaebum Sohn
Mock Theta Function Identities Deriving from Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Series, James McLaughlin
Submissions from 2016
A discontinuous Galerkin method for unsteady two-dimensional convective flows, Andreas C. Aristotelous and N. C. Papanicolaou
Have Gender Gaps in Math Closed? Achievement, Teacher Perceptions, and Learning Behaviors Across Two ECLS-K Cohorts, Joseph R. Cimpian, Sarah T. Lubienski, Jennifer D. Timmer, Martha B. Makowski, and Emily K. Miller
Controllability of neutral stochastic integro-differential evolution equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion, El Hassan Lakhel and Mark A. McKibben
On Approximately Controlled Systems, Nazim I. Mahmudov and Mark A. McKibben
General existence results for abstract McKean-Vlasov stochastic equations with variable delay, Mark A. McKibben
General multi-sum transformations and some implications, James McLaughlin
Refinements of Some Partition Inequalities, James McLaughlin
Submissions from 2015
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for High Suicide Risk in Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Component Analysis, Marsha M. Linehan, Kathryn E. Korslund, Melanie S. Harned, Robert J. Gallop, Anita Lungu, Andrada D. Neacsiu, Joshua McDavid, Katherine Anne Comtois, and Angela M. Murray-Gregory
Control, Stability, and Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 2014, Nazim I. Mahmudov, Mark A. McKibben, Sakthivel Rathinasamy, and Yong Ren
Further results on vanishing coefficients in infinite product expansions, James McLaughlin
Open and Dense Topological Transitivity of Extensions by Non-Compact Fiber of Hyperbolic Systems: A Review, Viorel Nitica and Andrei Török
Submissions from 2014
Predictors and moderators of outcomes of HIV/STD sex risk reduction interventions in substance abuse treatment programs: a pooled analysis of two randomized controlled trials, Paul Crits-Christoph, Robert Gallop, Jaclyn S. Sadicario, Hannah M. Markell, Donald A. Calsyn, Wan Tang, Hua He, Xin Tu, and George Woody
A metric on max-min algebra, Jonathan Eskeldson, Miriam Jaffe, and Viorel Nitica
Teaching Beyond the Assessment, Daniel R. Ilaria
Abstract Functional Stochastic Evolution Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion, Mark A. McKibben and Micah Webster
Tropical convexity over max-min semiring, Viorel Nitica and Sergei Sergeev
Submissions from 2013
Control, Stability, and Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Nazim Idrisoglu Mahmudov, Mark A. McKibben, Sakthivel Rathinasamy, and Yong Ren
Measure-Dependent Stochastic Nonlinear Beam Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion, Mark A. McKibben
Submissions from 2012
A Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher-type formula for (r,s)-regular partitions, James McLaughlin and Scott Parsell
On a pair of identities from Ramanujan's lost notebook, James McLaughlin and Andrew Sills
A Reciprocity Relation for WP-Bailey Pairs, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
Submissions from 2011
Hybrid Proofs of the q-Binomial Theorem and other identities, Dennis Eichhorn, James McLaughlin, and Andrew V. Sills
Regression model fitting with quadratic term leads to different conclusion in economic analysis of Washington state smoking ban, Marshal Ma and Scott McClintock
A new summation formula for WP-Bailey pairs, James McLaughlin
Polynomial Generalizations of two-variable Ramanujan type identities, James McLaughlin and Andrew V. Sills
Submissions from 2010
Continued Fraction Proofs of m-versions of Some Identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type, Douglas Bowman, James McLaughlin, and Nancy Wyshinksi
An Identity Motivated by an Amazing Identity of Ramanujan, James McLaughlin
Some new Transformations for Bailey pairs and WP-Bailey Pairs, James McLaughlin
Some Implications of Chu's 10ψ10 Generalization of Bailey's 6ψ6 Summation Formula, James McLaughlin, Andrew Sills, and Peter Zimmer
General WP-Bailey Chains, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
Some Applications of a Bailey-type Transformation, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
On hyperplanes and semispaces in max-min convex geometry, Viorel Nitica and Sergeĭ Sergeev
Submissions from 2009
Some More Identities of Rogers-Ramanujan Type, Douglas Bowman, James McLaughlin, and Andrew Sills
Combinatorics of Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities, James McLaughlin and Andrew Sills
Lifting Bailey Pairs to WP-Bailey Pairs, James McLaughlin, Andrew Sills, and Peter Zimmer
Rogers-Ramanujan Computer Searches, James McLaughlin, Andrew Sills, and Peter Zimmer
Some Implications of the WP-Bailey Tree, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
Submissions from 2008
Some new Families of Tasoevian- and Hurwitzian Continued Fractions, James McLaughlin
Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities Related to the Moduli 18 and 24, James McLaughlin and Andrew Sills
Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities, James McLaughlin, Andrew V. Sills, and Peter Zimmer
Some identities between basic hypergeometric series deriving from a new Bailey-type transformation, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
Submissions from 2007
Continued Fractions with Multiple Limits, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
Some properties of the distribution of the numbers of points on elliptic curves over a finite prime field, Saiying He and James McLaughlin
On a class of backward McKean-Vlasov stochastic equations in Hilbert space: Existence and convergence properties, Nazim I. Mahmudov and Mark A. McKibben
On backward stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert space and optimal control, Nazim I. Mahmudov and Mark A. McKibben
Symmetry and specializability in the continued fraction expansions of some infinite products, James McLaughlin
Some Observations on Khovanskii's Matrix Methods for extracting Roots of Polynomials, James McLaughlin and B. Sury
Ramanujan and Extensions and Contractions of Continued Fractions, James McLaughlin and Nancy Wyshinski
Some more Long Continued Fractions, I, James McLaughlin and Peter Zimmer
Submissions from 2006
Continued Fractions and Generalizations with Many Limits: A Survey, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
The Convergence and Divergence of q-Continued Fractions outside the Unit Circle, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
The Convergence behavior of q-Continued Fractions on the Unit Circle, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
A q-continued fraction, Douglas Bowman, James McLaughlin, and Nancy Wyshinksi
On state-dependent delay partial neutral functional–differential equations, Eduardo Hernandez M. and Mark A. McKibben
Abstract semilinear Itó-Volterra integro-differential stochastic evolution equations, David N. Keck and Mark A. McKibben
Abstract second-order damped McKean-Vlasov stochastic evolution equations, N. I. Mahmudov and Mark A. McKibben
Further Combinatorial Identities Deriving from the n-th Power of a 2 X 2 Matrix, James McLaughlin and Nancy Wyshinski
Submissions from 2005
Some Comments on: Existence of Solutions of Abstract Nonlinear Second-Order Neutral Functional Integrodifferential Equations, Eduardo Hernandez and Mark A. McKibben
Powers of a matrix and combinatorial identities, James McLaughlin and B. Sury
A Convergence Theorem for Continued Fractions of the Form K_{n=1}^{\infty}a_{n}/1, James McLaughlin and Nancy Wyshinski
Ramanujan and the Regular Continued Fraction Expansion of Real Numbers, James McLaughlin and Nancy Wyshinski
Real Numbers with Polynomial Continued Fraction Expansions, James McLaughlin and Nancy Wyshinski
Submissions from 2004
A Theorem on Divergence in the General Sense for Continued Fractions, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
On the Divergence of the Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction on the Unit Circle, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
Combinatorial Identities Deriving from the n-th Power of a 2 X 2 Matrix, James McLaughlin
Submissions from 2003
On The Divergence in the General Sense of q-Continued Fractions on the Unit Circle, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin
Multi-variable Polynomial Solutions to Pell's Equation and Fundamental Units in Real Quadratic Fields, James McLaughlin
Polynomial Solutions to Pell's Equation and Fundamental Units in Real Quadratic Fields, James McLaughlin
Submissions from 2002
Polynomial Continued Fractions, Douglas Bowman and James McLaughlin