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This research report presents the findings of the Provost Research Grant Project 2023,"Entrepreneurial Spirit Among College Students: A Survey from West Chester University." The average value of respondents' entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial attitude, measured on a seven-point Likert scale, was 3.8 and 4.3. These findings align closely with the global average reported in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey. 17.6% of the student respondents were trying to start their own businesses or became self-employed(nascent entrepreneurs) and 8.2% of students were already running their own businesses or were self-employed (active entrepreneurs). 51% of nascent or active entrepreneurs indicated that their businesses involved providing a service, 14%indicated their businesses involved developing a product, and 35% reported that their businesses involved both. With a 95% confidence level, we estimate that the number of nascent entrepreneurs at WCU ranges from2,469 to 3,102, while the number of active entrepreneurs ranges from 1,068 to 1,524. The College of Business & Public Management (CBPM) and the University College had the highest percentage of nascent entrepreneurs (23.6% and 22.2%), while the CBPM and the College of Education &Social Work had the highest percentage of active entrepreneurs (13.6% and 9.9%). 6.76% of students reported their most desired career at graduation is to work in their own businesses;22.43% reported this as their most desired career choice five years after graduation. 23.67% of nascent entrepreneurs and 27.19% of active entrepreneurs desired to work in their own businesses at graduation; while 55.10% of nascent entrepreneurs and 45.61% of active entrepreneurs desired to work in their own businesses five years after graduation. Active and nascent student entrepreneurs generally exhibited a higher level of family experience in entrepreneurship compared to students who were not student entrepreneurs. 71.43% of nascent entrepreneurs and 71.05% of active entrepreneurs were unaware of the entrepreneurship resources available at WCU. The survey results indicate WCU students exhibit entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial attitude, propensity for risk, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, suggesting a great opportunity to foster entrepreneurship among WCU students: We recommend realizing the opportunity to foster entrepreneurship at WCU by promoting existing programs, addressing gender gaps in entrepreneurship, reviewing the communication of entrepreneurship curricular and co-curricular programs; guiding students in idea generation and risk mitigation, collaborating with the Office of Alumni Engagement to reach alumni, securing funding for the Cottrell Entrepreneurship Center, and promoting social entrepreneurship opportunities.


Provost Research Grant Project Report:

Entrepreneurial Spirit Among College Students: A Survey and Case Study from West Chester University

Project Team: Grace Liu (PI); Dr. Monica Zimmerman (Co-PI; Executive Director of the Dr. Edwin Cottrell Entrepreneurial Leadership Center); Dr. Liz Wang (Faculty Advisor; Professor of the Department of Marketing); Dr. Megan Teague (Faculty Advisor, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance); Manel Hanafi (Graduate Student Assistant)
