
Date Collected
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Robert B. Gordon Natural Area for Environmental Studies
Sipùwas (wild plum) grow along sipuwa (streams). They are among the first trees to flower in sikòn (spring), produce sour fruit in nipëni (summer), and brilliant foliage in tahkokën (fall). Along with other plants in the Gordon Natural Area, sipùwas were first used by Lenape as food and medicine. Part of traditional foraging grounds, Sipùwas Siputët (Plum Run) flows through the Gordon Natural Area’s tèkëne (woodlands), mëkëke (meadows), and tëlamaskek (wetlands), ultimately feeding into the Brandywine and Delaware Rivers.
Recommended Citation
Wholey, H. A. (2023). Sipùwas Siputët (Plum Run) sign in the Gordon Natural Area. Retrieved from