
Date Collected
Publication Date
Location Collected
Robert B. Gordon Natural Area for Environmental Studies
Canis latrans (Coyote)
Group: Mammals
Family: Canidae
Common Names: Coyote
Years Observed: 2020; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Payton Phillips
Also Noted By: Anna Carlson; Nur Ritter; Wildlife Camera(s)
For a number of years, we suspected that Coyotes were present in the Gordon because we repeatedly found the remains of dead fawns that had been dismembered and carried far from the killing site. Finally, in 2020, Temple University Doctoral student Payton Phillips came up with a verified Coyote sighting from one of her trail cameras. Then, in 2022, Temple U. Masters' student Anna Carlson came up with a trail cam photo of a second Coyote. Since, that time, GNA Staff have come across two sets of Coyote tracks and GNA trail cameras have recorded videos of coyotes in various parts of the GNA.
Recommended Citation
Carlson, A. (2024). Canis latrans (Coyote) rubbing against a scent lure at the Gordon. Retrieved from