
Date Collected
Publication Date
Location Collected
Robert B. Gordon Natural Area for Environmental Studies
Castor canadensis (American Beaver)
Group: Mammals
Family: Castoridae
Common Name: American Beaver
Year Noted: 2022
Identified By: tfrench (iNaturalist). First Noted By: N. Ritter
To date, known for the Gordon only from a skull that was found near to the Route 202 ramp in the spring of 2022 during the construction of a new trail. Our guess is that this individual may have traveled from Brandywine Creek (where there are known populations of American Beavers), up Plum Run, and onto Gordon Run. It would have encountered the Route 202 ramp at the upper end of Gordon Run and may have either been hit by a vehicle or just expired in the Gordon. Alternatively, the skull may have been dropped over the Gordon by a raptor (no bones other than the skull were found), or died elsewhere in the Gordon or surrounding area and was carried to where it was found by a scavenger.
Recommended Citation
Ritter, N. (2024). Castor canadensis (American Beaver): lower jaw. Retrieved from