WCU Virtual Tour of Sustainability
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This video is a virtual tour of several of West Chester University's sustainability features created by students in Dr. Megan Schraedley's COM 398: Organizing and Sustainability class in the Communication & Media Department. Science Librarian Walt Cressler introduces the Bartram Oak. Graduate student Patty Haug discusses the features of Plum Run. The steward of the Gordon Natural Area, Nur Ritter, talks about his work in that 100-acre woodland owned by the university. West Chester Green Team member Courtney Bodle talks about the North Campus Garden, and John Lattanze of Facilities Plant Operations guides viewers through the WCU Pump House.
Recommended Citation
Belovich, E., Mazza, B., Wells, C., Cooke, A., & Semple, J. (2020). WCU Virtual Tour of Sustainability. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/comstudies_stuwork/1