A Conversation with Sergio Gonzalez Varela Capoeira: Mobility and Tourism

Document Type

Seminar Presentation

Publication Date



In this installment of Lexington Books' "Anthropology of Tourism" Author Conversation Series, series editor Michael A. Di Giovine talks with Sergio Gonzalez Varela about his book, "Capoeira, Mobility and Tourism: Preserving an Afro-Brazilian Tradition in a Globalized World." With over 20 years of long-term ethnographic fieldwork, which includes learning and practicing the Brazilian martial arts-spirituality-dance, Gonzalez Varela examines the mobility of its leaders, teachers and practitioners. The conversation focuses on capoeira as a way of life, how it has been inexorably linked - in myth and practice - with mobility, how tourism and the pandemic has affected its practices, and the responses to UNESCO's designation of capoeira as Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014.

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