Date of Award

Summer 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Transformative Education and Social Change

Committee Chairperson

Jason Wozniak, Ph.D.

Committee Member

John Elmore, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dana Morrison, Ph.D.


This is a master’s thesis that focuses on neoliberal policy within the education system. In this thesis I prove that neoliberal policy intensifies the current overarching framework of racial capitalism. I explore central elements of neoliberalism and racial capitalism to bridge understanding of how the two are intertwined with the goal of providing the reader an understanding of how neoliberal policy is detrimental. After an introduction to my thematic concern, an in-depth analysis of theoretical frameworks that helped shaped my understanding of my concern, and a historical and literature review focused on central elements of my concerns, I propose of program that seeks to bring social justice teachers unions and community members together to engage in critical pedagogy that leads to a critical awareness. It is my hope that this critical awareness will drive collective resistance and organizing to offer a genuine alternative to the intensification of racial capitalism, leading to social transformation away from class divisions.
