Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chairperson

Amy Anderson, PhD

Committee Member

William Lalicker, PhD

Committee Member

Timothy Dougherty, PhD


This project considers the rhetoric of Christian nationalism on display before, during, and after the insurrection at the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021. I will show how Christian nationalism on Jan 6th can be framed using Jenny Edbauer’s ideas of rhetorical ecologies and Thomas Rickert’s ideas of rhetorical ambiance by considering the speakers at the insurrection and a pastor who has been publicly vocal about his motives. Next, I will consider the images used by major media outlets covering the insurrection and how they chose to frame the events visually by considering Kellie Sharp-Hoskins’s ideas of rhetorical ecologies and the relationship between logos and pathos. Lastly, I will consider how Christian evangelical and faith leaders have worked to combat the Christian nationalism that was on display at the insurrection and how their efforts work as counter-rhetorics, empowered by the framework of rhetorical ecologies.
