Date of Award

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Higher Education Policy and Student Affairs

Committee Chairperson

Orkideh Mohajeri, PhD

Committee Member

Kenneth Witmer, PhD

Committee Member

Jaqueline Hodes, EdD


In this thesis, I address the risks of miseducative experiences resulting from the labor-focused high-impact practices of internships and service learning/community-based learning. As high-impact practices are often considered inherently valuable, there is a need to examine these two practices under a critical action research lens in order to expose the ways in which these practices are not serving students properly. I go on to argue that issues such as unpaid internship programs taking advantage of free student labor and voluntourism existing on travel-based service learning/community-based learning programs negate the potentiality of students to experience the growth in their sense of purpose and integrity that these practices promise. To combat these risks of miseducation, I propose the intervention program SLIPSET, a campus-wide taskforce consisting of staff, faculty, students, and third-party representatives, to develop workshop programs for students, a scholarship fund to support students in need, and an outreach initiative to communicate student development needs to third-party representatives.
