Date of Award

Fall 2019

Document Type

Thesis Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Transformative Education and Social Change

Committee Chairperson

Paul Morgan, Ph.D.


The purpose of this critical action research is to explore the possibilities of utilizing education for sustainability to build the classroom community. Through this proposed curriculum, I will focus on furthering student agency and peer to peer connections through opportunities to engage in school community projects rooted in sustainability. I will outline how our American education system has often worked against student agency and community while then exploring the need to foster these attributes among our students. The current state of environmental affairs is in dire need of individuals who can bring a systems perspective to solving world issues. Our students often do not feel empowered to be agents of change, rather there is a feeling of apathy towards how their future will be decided. This curriculum can begin the process of helping students take ownership of their communities in such a way that promotes health and balance. Ultimately this curriculum is designed to help students experience tangible and positive change within their school communities while thinking critically about their relationships with the natural world, their peers and themselves.
